#24-Wait a minute!-I know there are levels to this shit and I’m definitely nowhere near the top!!….But this one only took 16 hours over 2 days!- I’m getting there!…It’s called ‘WE THINK WE ARE FREE’…This painting is the study for a much larger version I plan to do in the future…You can read all about… Continue reading #24-Who’s the daddy?!
Author: reiner
#23…Ok, so I’ve just completed my first painting since March…Man!- I still can’t get over how I can take such a long break and come back better than before!…..-(Guess that means that the next chick I bang is in for a bit of a treat!!) You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting… Continue reading #23…’THE FINAL SOLUTION’
End of summer/ Studio update…
Hello everybody!.. Well, it’s been a while!……I’ve been flat-out this year putting a new roof on my new studio building!!-I got lucky too!- as we had a dry summer!… Took me 5 months in total, working by myself- It ain’t quite done just yet! – I guess I was a bit too optimistic last year!……… Continue reading End of summer/ Studio update…
Meet ‘Tigy’…
…He’s my little painting mascot. He sits on my easel, silently watching on while I paint…We have a few things in common. We are both confident, strong-willed and determined…And we both growl while we fuck!……I found him in 2017 when I was mowing the lawns of a sports field while working for a tourist office… Continue reading Meet ‘Tigy’…
…my love. My family. #22 ‘Ughaan’ oil on canvas. 70x70cm.
Thank-fuck that’s over!……I finally finished a painting I started way back in February…..It was bugging me for months!- Every time I passed by it on my easel! ….I must admit, even though it took ages…It was very fun and satisfying to do! ….Looking forward to painting more of my family! You can read all about… Continue reading …my love. My family. #22 ‘Ughaan’ oil on canvas. 70x70cm.
REINER EBERT Evolve: NFT Collection
……Hi ya! – It’s been a while since my last post…Had a bit of a burn-out from concentrating so hard on all the paintings. I’ve also been a bit distracted in my personal life. ……Anyways, I’m back in business- Well, At least to finish one more painting that I started a couple months ago…Then after… Continue reading REINER EBERT Evolve: NFT Collection
…my love. my sister.#21 ‘Bibi’ oil on panel 31x22cm.
…I’ve never taken a painting quite this far before…It was a good exercise in small detailed brush-work…It took me 40 hours over 7 days and a lot of effort, although, it was nice to hang out with my sister for a bit… I’m glad this one is staying in the family. You can read all… Continue reading …my love. my sister.#21 ‘Bibi’ oil on panel 31x22cm.
…The Answer.
…The question was…Could I make a gorgeous woman look like a gorgeous woman??……The answer is…Of course I fucking can!- I can do anything that I put my mind to!……The only question that still remains is…How much pussy do you think I can get if I paint hot chicks that good??
…Custom stretcher bars!
Well, I was thinking I was gonna get started on my next painting today! – I woke up ready and super keen!…However, I had a last minute change of mind regarding the composition….Then realized, that I didn’t have any ready made canvases in that particular shape left……It’s not like me to let something like that… Continue reading …Custom stretcher bars!
…The big question??
There are many questions one may ask oneself during the course of ones life……Why are we here?…What is it all about? – What is the meaning of it all?……Why do farts smell worse in the shower??…And do women who take it up the arse too often, end up needing incontinence pants earlier on in life??… Continue reading …The big question??