….Here is a quick study of my beautiful wife!……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#lonely-moon
Author: reiner
B.A.S.E-Life…#13. ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel. 85x55cm.
……Exciting day today!…About to put the final varnish on ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel 85x55cm!….It’s been drying for almost a year now and I’m looking forward to seeing the sunken colors come back to life!….Feels like Christmas every-time I varnish a painting!……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below.… Continue reading B.A.S.E-Life…#13. ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel. 85x55cm.
B.A.S.E-Life…#16. ‘E=MC2′ (maximum compassion squared)’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm.
Yo’ – Check out my latest painting!…… More coming soon!….. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#e-mc2
Hello everybody! – Welcome to my blog!!…My name is Reiner Ebert and I’m trying to paint my way out of poverty. People say it cannot be done! – They say that I’m too old! – They say it’s too risky! – They say that only 3-5% of artists actually make it!…That all may be true,… Continue reading Welcome!