#34. ‘Disturbed Reality’ oil on linen. 90x60cm.

'Disturbed Reality' oil on linen. 90x60cm

#34… I finished what I intended to do a few weeks ago. …I think it works. So this might also be a perfect opportunity to let everyone know that I’ve decided to stop taking drugs. All of them. I don’t want ’em anymore. …(But hey!- They were fun while they lasted!!!) https://www.reinerebert.com/my-demons/#Disturbed-Reality


'Gain Everything' oil on linen. 80x40cm

Well fellas!…..I’m happy how this one turned out!…I had a few painting failures this year- but I guess that’s part of the learning process… I’m so glad to be ending this year on a high!!! https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Gain-Everything

#32. ‘Disturbed Reality’ (study) oil on panel 54.5x41cm

'Disturbed Reality' (study for larger painting). oil on panel. 54.5x41cm

Well, this is a sad day for me fellas!……But it is also a triumphant one too! https://www.reinerebert.com/my-demons/#Disturbed-Reality-study

#31…’Useful idiots’

So this one’s bound to piss a few people off!…Well,…Let them be offended if they want! to be offended!…… https://www.reinerebert.com/my-inspiration/#useful-idiots

So, I’ve had a shitty last couple of weeks…

My goal of doing 6 paintings in 6 weeks- Well that didn’t work out…I lost 2 weeks waiting on some stretcher-bars that were held up by customs. -They didn’t even charge me anything for them!… Wtf??…Anyway, straight after that I had two painting failures in a row!!!….I guess I put too much pressure on myself… Continue reading So, I’ve had a shitty last couple of weeks…

meet Taahira.

Hey fellas!- A funny thing happened to me a while ago…I dropped way too much acid!…See, I hadn’t taken it in a while and it changed colour in the bottle -And I thought it would be less potent…BOY!- WAS I WRONG!!- MAN!.. WHAT A RIDE!!!….. I think I went to Jupiter and back!!!….But hey!- Now… Continue reading meet Taahira.

#28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

'Mama-Bear' oil on panel. 54.5x41cm

This painting is dedicated to a dear, old friend of mine in Australia….And all you other savage ladies out there!! …… I wasn’t planning on doing another painting for a bit, as I have a lot of work to do outside on my new studio building while the weather is good….But this issue was bugging… Continue reading #28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

#27…’Bubbles’oil on linen. 100x75cm.

'Bubbles' - oil on linen. 100x75cm.

I’m so lucky to have some wonderful friends in my life!…Check out my latest collaboration!…She’s a real beauty!!…… You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Bubbles

#26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

'CANCEL THIS!!!' oil on linen. 105x60cm.

…Just a little reminder that we should all use a bit of common sense and make sure we get a balanced perspective! Remember!…THE PRICE OF FREE SPEECH… IS FREE SPEECH!!! Ok…So I re-painted ‘CANCEL THIS!!!’….My cock was a little too distracting in the composition, so had to change angle….And it lacked the right attitude painting… Continue reading #26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

#25…Ughaan-Attitude! oil on panel. 31×22.5cm.

'Ughaan'- Attitude. oil on panel 31x22.5cm

#25 ‘Ughaan-Attitude’….Another painting of Ughaan – This time with attitude! ……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/my-love/#ughaan-attitude