#31…’Useful idiots’

So this one’s bound to piss a few people off!…Well,…Let them be offended if they want! to be offended!…… https://www.reinerebert.com/my-inspiration/#useful-idiots

#28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

'Mama-Bear' oil on panel. 54.5x41cm

This painting is dedicated to a dear, old friend of mine in Australia….And all you other savage ladies out there!! …… I wasn’t planning on doing another painting for a bit, as I have a lot of work to do outside on my new studio building while the weather is good….But this issue was bugging… Continue reading #28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

#26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

'CANCEL THIS!!!' oil on linen. 105x60cm.

…Just a little reminder that we should all use a bit of common sense and make sure we get a balanced perspective! Remember!…THE PRICE OF FREE SPEECH… IS FREE SPEECH!!! Ok…So I re-painted ‘CANCEL THIS!!!’….My cock was a little too distracting in the composition, so had to change angle….And it lacked the right attitude painting… Continue reading #26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

#24-Who’s the daddy?!

'WE THINK WE ARE FREE' oil on panel. 31x22.5cm

#24-Wait a minute!-I know there are levels to this shit and I’m definitely nowhere near the top!!….But this one only took 16 hours over 2 days!- I’m getting there!…It’s called ‘WE THINK WE ARE FREE’…This painting is the study for a much larger version I plan to do in the future…You can read all about… Continue reading #24-Who’s the daddy?!

…’Nature’s Remedy’ – Acid trip #209′ – Method Slide-show

'Nature's Remedy' -Acid trip #209. oil on canvas - 92x73cm

…I Thought you all might like to see how it’s done… I started in the bottom right hand corner and worked my way up. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/my-inspiration/#natures-remedy


'Nature's Remedy' -Acid trip #209. oil on canvas - 92x73cm

……Ok Ladies and Gentlemen…..I wanna let you all know….That after 4 years of intense dedication and hard work – And a whole lot of self belief!!……I’ve finally arrived bitches!- well, kind of!…..I invite you all to head over to ‘…my inspirations page’ – Scroll down the bottom and check out my latest masterpiece!….Also, don’t forget… Continue reading #19…EVERYBODY STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND CHECK THIS SHIT OUT!