'Nature's Remedy' -Acid trip #209. oil on canvas - 92x73cm

……Ok Ladies and Gentlemen…..I wanna let you all know….That after 4 years of intense dedication and hard work – And a whole lot of self belief!!……I’ve finally arrived bitches!- well, kind of!…..I invite you all to head over to ‘…my inspirations page’ – Scroll down the bottom and check out my latest masterpiece!….Also, don’t forget to go to the gallery and click on the info button at the bottom of the image so you can view it in full size – Then you can zoom in and take a good long look at the detail in the brushwork….I am so proud of myself for getting this far! – Yes!- I’m blowing my own horn!…..But that’s ‘cos right now – I ain’t got no sexy chick on her knees and between my legs, ready to blow it for me!

……When I started B.A.S.E-jumping, It took me three years before I felt like I was a jumper – Before I felt like I had enough knowledge where I could go into the world by myself and make the right choices to stay alive – With a lot of humility of course!…Always learning – We never stop learning!……And as I have taken the huge risk to try and become an artist – Not just any artist…An artist with something to fucking say! – I now find myself at that very same point…Armed and ready to go! – Ready to keep on learning!……You won’t be seeing any paintings of flowers or vases or fucking trees from me!…I’m on a quest to find beauty in negative spaces!…It’s gonna be whores and druggies and degenerates like me!…. Invisible people!….Dead friends forgotten!- Family who I love so dear!…..B.A.S.E-jumpers!, Villains!, and all the shit humanity has offered up in the past! – It’s gonna be raw!- It’s gonna be real!…..Buckle in fellas! – You’re all in for a hell of a ride!…..Oh! – I Almost forgot!- There is definitely gonna be plenty of tits and arse! …Oh yeah! – Oooohhhh-yeah!!!

You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below.


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