Hi Fellas…Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to try and clean-up my bad language. Up until now, I never really gave it much though as I was more focussed on tackling the internal stuff like anger and resentment and forgiveness. And I’ve always been in industries like mining and offshore where common folk abound, so it’s always been normal for me to sware and tell dirty jokes. But now, I’m realising that the external- while perhaps less important for the development of your spirit and soul…Is equally important in the sense that it is a reflection of what is inside (in my case a pretty filthy and crude mind!- but as I said before it always seemed to help in the bedroom)… Tackling the external can also allow for greater engagement which is probably a good idea as its harder to make friends as you get older. plus I don’t really want to turn into a dirty old man. …Since I type exactly what I’m thinking- from now on, If I think a vulgar word, I’m going to only use the first and last letters and replace the middle bit with the corresponding number of *’s. Please bare with me. This process may take some time. However, the idea is that over time, I’ll hopefully drop using vulgar words entirely. …To show you that I’m serious. I’m going to spend some time over the next few weeks going over what I’ve already written in my blog and do the same thing there…Anyway, hooray for me!!