Studio update

Hey everybody, I’ve been out of the loop as Internet was down for a couple weeks. – They’ve been upgrading the cables….The weather has also been improving, so I have been kept busy getting the final jobs done before I pour the concrete for my new garage early next month…( I have multiple projects going on at the moment which makes it a challenge to find time and energy to paint ) …I’ve also managed to clear out all the junk and prep the new studio building for the start of the renovation in June – Can’t wait to get stuck into that! – If all goes well I’ll have 154 square m of studio and gallery space by the end of next winter ! – Fingers crossed the weather remains stable!!! …Super keen on being in a space that allows me to have full control of the lighting to set up my scenes and also not having to worry about making a mess, thus allowing me to be more expressive in my work . – Right now I’ve been painting in a small corner of my bedroom!…I’m also looking forward to start painting from life as I’m getting quicker now and feel I am ready for that challenge! ……I’ve included some pics below, to give you an idea of the upcoming work! – The pics are of the studio, which will be upstairs – I’ll connect the two rooms with an opening on one edge of the intersecting wall- While leaving most of the wall so as to allow space to work on large canvasses. The gallery will be on the ground floor, ( I haven’t included those pics yet as I’m currently using the space as storage for all my crap ) – I’ll be sure to keep you informed as the project advances. – Wish me luck!

Studio wall 1
Studio wall 2
Studio wall 3
Studio wall 4 (Chimney)