
'Gain Everything' oil on linen. 80x40cm

Well fellas!…..I’m happy how this one turned out!…I had a few painting failures this year- but I guess that’s part of the learning process… I’m so glad to be ending this year on a high!!! https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Gain-Everything

#27…’Bubbles’oil on linen. 100x75cm.

'Bubbles' - oil on linen. 100x75cm.

I’m so lucky to have some wonderful friends in my life!…Check out my latest collaboration!…She’s a real beauty!!…… You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Bubbles

…B.A.S.E.-Life #16 ‘E=MC2’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm. Final varnish.

'E=MC2'* (*Maximum Compassion squared) oil on panel. 31x22.5cm.

…Ok,- This is the last of the recently varnished paintings……Which means that I’ll be getting some more canvas ready and primed to begin another painting next week. Man I’ve been looking forward to starting this next one!…stay tuned folks and have yourselves a very happy Christmas! You can read all about the inspiration behind this… Continue reading …B.A.S.E.-Life #16 ‘E=MC2’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm. Final varnish.

…B.A.S.E.-Life #13 ‘Gibbsy’ 85x55cm -Final varnish

'Gibbsy' - oil on panel. 85x55cm.

……Well, I finally got round to putting on the final varnish for ‘Gibbsy’…Man!-that shit stinks out the house!…..But you can see how there is way more depth in the shadows….Fuckin’-A!,…That’s what I’m talking about!. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#gibbsy

B.A.S.E-Life…#14. ‘Lonely-moon’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm

'Lonely moon' oil on panel. 31x22.5cm

….Here is a quick study of my beautiful wife!……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#lonely-moon

B.A.S.E-Life…#13. ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel. 85x55cm.

'Gibbsy' - oil on panel. 85x55cm.

……Exciting day today!…About to put the final varnish on ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel 85x55cm!….It’s been drying for almost a year now and I’m looking forward to seeing the sunken colors come back to life!….Feels like Christmas every-time I varnish a painting!……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below.… Continue reading B.A.S.E-Life…#13. ‘Gibbsy’ oil on panel. 85x55cm.

B.A.S.E-Life…#16. ‘E=MC2′ (maximum compassion squared)’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm.

'E=MC2'* (*Maximum Compassion squared) oil on panel. 31x22.5cm.

Yo’ – Check out my latest painting!…… More coming soon!….. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#e-mc2

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