…The Answer.

…The question was…Could I make a gorgeous woman look like a gorgeous woman??……The answer is…Of course I fucking can!- I can do anything that I put my mind to!……The only question that still remains is…How much pussy do you think I can get if I paint hot chicks that good??

…Custom stretcher bars!

Well, I was thinking I was gonna get started on my next painting today! – I woke up ready and super keen!…However, I had a last minute change of mind regarding the composition….Then realized, that I didn’t have any ready made canvases in that particular shape left……It’s not like me to let something like that… Continue reading …Custom stretcher bars!

…The big question??

There are many questions one may ask oneself during the course of ones life……Why are we here?…What is it all about? – What is the meaning of it all?……Why do farts smell worse in the shower??…And do women who take it up the arse too often, end up needing incontinence pants earlier on in life??… Continue reading …The big question??

…’Nature’s Remedy’ – Acid trip #209′ – Method Slide-show

'Nature's Remedy' -Acid trip #209. oil on canvas - 92x73cm

…I Thought you all might like to see how it’s done… I started in the bottom right hand corner and worked my way up. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/my-inspiration/#natures-remedy


'Nature's Remedy' -Acid trip #209. oil on canvas - 92x73cm

……Ok Ladies and Gentlemen…..I wanna let you all know….That after 4 years of intense dedication and hard work – And a whole lot of self belief!!……I’ve finally arrived bitches!- well, kind of!…..I invite you all to head over to ‘…my inspirations page’ – Scroll down the bottom and check out my latest masterpiece!….Also, don’t forget… Continue reading #19…EVERYBODY STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND CHECK THIS SHIT OUT!

Happy New-Year!

…Wishing you all the very best for 2022 and beyond!….Health!, Happiness!, Laughter!, -and Peace!, Throughout the world!…….Let’s all try and spread some love!

Happy Christmas to all!

……Just wanted to wish all the visitors to my site a very happy and joyous Christmas!…If your stuck at home with your family, if you’re with friends in a pub – or even just camping out in a van!…As this year draws to a close and another one begins, I want to thank you all… Continue reading Happy Christmas to all!

…B.A.S.E.-Life #16 ‘E=MC2’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm. Final varnish.

'E=MC2'* (*Maximum Compassion squared) oil on panel. 31x22.5cm.

…Ok,- This is the last of the recently varnished paintings……Which means that I’ll be getting some more canvas ready and primed to begin another painting next week. Man I’ve been looking forward to starting this next one!…stay tuned folks and have yourselves a very happy Christmas! You can read all about the inspiration behind this… Continue reading …B.A.S.E.-Life #16 ‘E=MC2’ oil on panel. 31×22.5cm. Final varnish.

…my love #01 ‘The girl with the funky pyjamas’ 75x50cm. Final varnish.

…….Gee!….I cant keep up with all the varnishing!…But I love it!……When you are almost finished a painting, the colors start to ‘sink-in’ and begin to polymerize – Then you lose all depth in the darks and the painting looks flat…..It’s only when you apply the final varnish, that you get to see your creation in… Continue reading …my love #01 ‘The girl with the funky pyjamas’ 75x50cm. Final varnish.

…B.A.S.E.-Life #13 ‘Gibbsy’ 85x55cm -Final varnish

'Gibbsy' - oil on panel. 85x55cm.

……Well, I finally got round to putting on the final varnish for ‘Gibbsy’…Man!-that shit stinks out the house!…..But you can see how there is way more depth in the shadows….Fuckin’-A!,…That’s what I’m talking about!. You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#gibbsy